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}, static_modifiers = { mod_modifier_1 mod_modifier_2 } Executes contained effects on a random country that meets the limit and is a subject of the country this is contained in. As it's possible to specify the character itself in the trigger, defining an ID is unnecessary. LEADER (Command) | AutoCAD | Autodesk Knowledge Network province = { the same coordinate system that the map uses. However, this effect does not let you use a variable as equipment type. The add will occur before the removal of the old idea. army = Will damage the army units. Extends the duration of the timed idea by the specified amount. Use modify_character_flag instead. force_allow_recruiting = Whether the locked template can have units deployed using it without allowing editing. character = The character to promote. Optional.days = The duration of the buff. Changes the number of shared building slots for the current state. Enter the full URL of your item or group's Facebook page, Enter the full URL of your item or group's Twitter page. Grants the current scope a wargoal against the specified country. If you spot a mistake then you are welcome to fix it. 1 Explanation 2 List of Modifiers 2.1 State & Diplomacy 2.2 Industry, Trade, and Research 2.3 Land Army & Military 2.4 Airforce 2.5 Navy Explanation A modifier is a numeric multiplier that represent certain strengths and weaknesses of a country. The overlord of the country if it is a subject. ideology = Sub-ideology of the leader where to swap traits. If usage as a target is possible, it's marked within the table. Localisation is defined by using the trait's name as a localisation key within any localisation file, with an entry as my_trait: "My trait". Decides the weight that AI has for picking this trait. Optional.progress = The initial production progress. Sets the column on which the trait is located. legacy_id = The legacy ID used for the unit leader. Adds the nationality to the current operative. Starts a production line for the specified equipment for the current scope. OR: If the initial limit within if = { } is false, it moves on to the next else_if = { }, checking the limit there. Load up a save file and press the TAB key to bring up the panel (the key might differ between keyboards, so try ~, `, ", or ^ if nothing happens). start_province = Sets the position and rotation of an entity using two coordinates. How often does the combat view give a random sound? These arguments are within the character itself. If the character is not recruited, they will never appear. In this article, there are 3 types of brackets used within commands: Note To make it work with new, generic created Admirals: Changes the value of a variable to the specified value. Executes children effects on every country that meets the limit, including those that do not exist. Optional.combat_entrenchment = The bonus to grant. days = / Fires the event in the specified number of days. Used to define a diplomatic relation between the current scope and target scope country. Generates a random name if not set. Example: You create a variant of 'Matilda LP'-tank with better Armor and Main Gun and name it 'Matilda LP Mk. Equipment scopetype = The equipment the country is licensed to produce. name = The new name of the character. Removes an operation token from the country. Adds 100 opinion (hardcoded number) to and from target country (add_opinion ENG for instance). Deprecated. Noticably, the effect that fires the country event gets hidden from the tooltip. Cookie Notice Spawns an air combat in desired location. attack_skill = The attack skill of the leader. 1 List of commands 1.1 Internal IDs 1.2 Disambiguation 1.3 Useful commands 1.4 Modding-useful commands 1.5 Other in-game commands 2 See also 3 References List of commands edit | Press Shift+2, , ~, \, `, ", ^ or ALT+2+1, or Shift+3 to access the console (key varies based on keyboard layout) Internal IDs edit | See also: Countries Adds attack skill to the current unit leader. female = The gender of the leader. Sets the number of victory point in a province. Edits the equipment stockpile of the current scope, adds or removes equipment of a specified type or archetype. Does not work with the character ID. Characters are a system added in 1.11 with the No Step Back DLC, allowing to use the same character for multiple roles, including different advisor types, country leaders and unit leaders. on Paradox technology, Legal Note that if you want to create a repeatable decision including a random list, by default the same decision will pick the same random result every time it is triggered in a game. Simplest possible definitions of portraits are defined using spriteType definitions within a larger spriteTypes = { } block as such: The name of the spriteType has limitations: it must begin with GFX_ and be made up of one word total with no whitespaces. uses = The amount of times the bonus can be used, default 1.ahead_reduction = The cost reduction if ahead of time, default 0.category = Which technology category the bonus applies to. end_civil_wars = Will end any civil wars the subject is subject to. Localization replacements | Hoi4 modding Wiki | Fandom Localization replacements View source The following list provides a series of syntaxes that can be used when writing descriptions such as those for focuses or events. Changes whether it's possible to recruit divisions of a locked template without unlocking the template. override_model = Enforces the entity used by the units using this template to be the specified one. This serves as an effect block with an additional limit = { } argument, which is a trigger block where each trigger must be met for the scope being checked. level = / The level to set the building to.instant_build = Defines whether the buildings are instantly built.province = Defines the exact province to add provincal buildings in. If there are several characters that fill this role, then the first-recruited one is selected. Creates a faction with the specified name for the current scope. Hearts of iron 4 console commands and secret events Persists after execution until cleared via effect. Cannot be randomly selected. Note that while modding, the console command does not do everything that the launch option does and cannot serve as a substitute. Ideology change command :: Hearts of Iron IV General Discussions Cookie Notice You must log in or register to reply here. Adds the specified resource in the specified amount to the specified state. amount = / The amount to = / Which country receives the equipment. Although the [Root.GetLeader] regime has strong-armed most of its opponents into silence, some have still spoken out about the recent election, accusing the [Root.GetRulingParty] of rigging the results and ignoring the clear efforts to elect a parliament opposed to their policies. Writes Texture info to application debug log, spawnactor [] [] [ OPTIONAL], Spawns an actor with an optional animation, Toggles the debug info in province tooltip. Both traits require defining this to work properly. The effects within an unfulfilled if statement (or an else/else_if that's not read due to the if statement being met) will be hidden from the player, and so will the trigger. Each character definition is contained within the characters = { } block, which encompasses the entirety of the file to mark them as characters. Makes the current scope the owner and controller of the specified state. Sets the specified character to also act as an advisor, activating if specified. Console commands use internal IDs, which may be obtained in a variety of different ways. Say Donald Trump is the leader for the Conservative Party, but then how would I make another Republican, say, Rand Paul, leader of that political party. Executes contained effects on a random unit leader (corps commanders, field marshals, admirals) that meets the limit and is recruited by the country this is contained in. decision = The decision to activate. It will be a feature in Man the Guns. Interactive corporate website. (Optional turn back on binarization in settings.txt). If the name or the portrait are not defined, this also decides how exactly it will be generated. However you might be able to do so with console commands. This is done by creating a new file and renaming it, changing the extension to .gfx from .txt. Despite their name, country leader names can be applied to either advisors, ideas, or country leaders. Sets the specified character to also act as an admiral. Optional. Sets the specified character to also act as a corps commander. Each character is defined with a code block with the name of the character ID. In state scope, the country that owns the state. Stored in /Hearts of Iron IV/common/units/names_ships. base_bonus = The backup bonus if no tech is available. Executes contained effects on every country that meets the limit and is a subject of the country this is contained in. Disables resistance for the scoped state when the occupier is the specified country. ideology = The sub-ideology of the country leader role to which the trait is added. If you want the game to choose between effect blocks, random_list can be used instead. Never shown to the player. Adds the specified amount of manpower to the current state. Optional. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Executes contained effects on every country that meets the limit and has the specified original tag. message = The reason for peace showing up in the pop-up. Adds the specified brigades to first available slots of specified columns to the template (if possible). Which will print the final effect to game.log when the effect is executed and make debugging easier. Traits in the file are contained within the leader_traits = { } block, and will not work otherwise. By default, the game stores advisor portraits in /Hearts of Iron IV/gfx/interface/ideas/, while country/unit leader portraits are stored in /Hearts of Iron IV/gfx/leaders//. Removes the specified trait from the current character. r/hoi4 on Reddit: Is there any way for me to change the leader of one Equivalent to a combination of Operation.Instant, IntelNetwork.Instant, Agency.InstantSlotUnlock, and Agency.Autocomplete, Your operatives/spies won't be detected anymore. set_cosmetic_tag [] [], Reloads files of a given type. Optional. Shortened variant exists if the event's ID is used instead of arguments. target = The country to steal from. Adds the specified trait to the current country's country leader. Optional. desc = The localisation used as the rule's description. By default, the game uses a wide variety of files, including /Hearts of Iron IV/dlc/dlc001_german_historical_portraits/interface/ghp_ideas_characters.gfx (loaded in-game as interface/ghp_ideas_characters.gfx) or /Hearts of Iron IV/interface/ideas.gfx, however, editing a base game file is never necessary: a file with a higher evaluation order decided by filename (Using ASCII character IDs to order) will overwrite any spriteType defined in an earlier file, which the game uses for replacing DLC portraits. If using state province/target province, the game will link those two provinces. An effect block executed for the breakaway country. Teleports all railway guns to the province where they get deployed. modifier = The relation modifier to remove. As the default value for idea_token is static rather than being the same as the character ID, this is mandatory. The sound effect must be properly defined in. Adding the same character to 2 different character slots is done by defining advisor = { } multiple times. Characters are a system added in 1.11 with the No Step Back DLC, allowing to use the same character for multiple roles, including different advisor types, country leaders and unit leaders. This is a community maintained wiki. The following arguments go within division = "": to_state_array = The state array the armies will get teleported to.to_province = The province the armies will get teleported to.to_state = The state the armies will get teleported to. Demotes the current unit leader to Commander (if Field Marshal). allow = Whether a medal can be awarded to the division over the history entry. Does not accept regular ideologies. Locks all division templates for the current scope. ignore_death_chance = Whether to ignore the death chance on capture (no by default). Can have additional applications where the assumed default scope differs from the ROOT, such as in state events or some on_actions. Effect blocks cannot be used to apply modifiers directly, however they can add something that can apply modifiers, most commonly with add_ideas. Adds the specified division to the current state. Adds defense skill to the current unit leader. navy_intel = How much navy intel to add. Sets the autonomy level for the specified country. If not set, it will be the scoped country. Adds the specified amount of command power to the current scope. tag_color [rgb] Players can use this command to set the tag color of your current country. Sets that the war between ROOT and TAG is a civil war, resulting in the victory being the annexation of the other side and setting world tension limits on intervention. If you spot a mistake then you are welcome to fix it. terrain_factor = The modifier applied to terrain bonuses. Switches to play no country at all, and no longer shows messages or pauses the game. Deprecated. Used in the province scope. state = / The state the side is fighting on. Adds the specified combat buff to the current unit leader. Makes a country a government in exile in a set country, with a set starting legitimacy. Country scope only. defender = / The defender state.dont_fire_events = Stops the events from start_border_war from firing. If your keyboard layout doesn't have that key, other hotkeys to open the console are SHIFT + 2 and SHIFT + 3. Elsewhere, random seed is unfixed by default, making this argument unnecessary to set to "no". -debug must be enabled in in launch options. Removes the specified trait from the character. Change faction leader : r/hoi4modding - reddit 2nd: set_ruling_party fascism. Creates an import for the current scope with the specified resource and from the specified exporter. bonus = The bonus to research speed. disband = If true, will refund equipment and manpower. static_modifiers = { mod_modifier_1 mod_modifier_2 } type = The equipment type the variant is of. A modifier increases a multiplier by the given decimal number, which can also be negative. 6. An option with the weight of 20 is twice as likely to be picked as the option with the chance of 10, for instance. Initially assigns the specified character to the current country. Forcefully refreshes the specified mapmode for the player, rather than waiting for a daily update. Select a state by clicking it. Does not support Naval equipment. An example with an advisor portrait, a country leader, and a corps commander portrait is the following: The portraits themselves are defined in any /Hearts of Iron IV/interface/*.gfx file. In custom console commands, the country running the command is FROM, while ROOT is the selected country, state, or character. Multiple can be defined. slot = Slot of the character. Leaving it out completely or setting to -1 will make the character not have one. Where triggers do not need to be repeatedly checked random can be a performance light alternative to mean_time_to_happen for scheduling events. Adds the specified trait to the current unit leader. Recruitment cannot take place outside of country history. How to kill your leader? | Paradox Interactive Forums Adds experience to selected Leader/General/Admiral, add_equipment(ae) [] []. Defaults to false. An if statement allows an execution of effects to only be done if certain triggers are met. At the moment no, I don't think so. On game versions prior to 1.12.8, the character must be already recruited by the country this is scoped from. Sets the order of battle to be used for the current country's divisions, overriding every other air order of battle. Optional, defaults to false. Sets the specified character to also act as a country leader, promoting to the party leader if specified. Deprecated. Creates a naval leader for the current scope with the specified attributes. The character slot can be the character's name or id. This example can be used as an effect in regular code as scripted_effect_name = yes. region = Strategic region where to damage units. Several other commands previously mentioned, such as event, are useful in modding too. A commander trait can change a commander 's skills, specialize them for different combat scenarios, change how much experience they get and various other effects. Changes the country leader's description. days = / Fires the event in the specified number of days. As you can see, we have created a meta_effect that takes two arguments. Optional, defaults to owner of operative.recipient = The recipient of the event. From what I know you can't kill your leader in-game. Executes contained effects on every state that meets the limit and is a core of the country this is contained in. This thread is archived. Adds coordination skill to the current navy leader. Defaults to 1. the one that'd take power if the country were to be switched to that ideology group) of the revolting ideology group will be kept by the country or join the revolt, yes resulting in the former. Optional, defaults to 0.5. well. surname = The surname of the ace.callsign = The callsign of the ace.type = The ace type.is_female = The gender of the ace. If, for example, you want to replace the leader of the nonalligned party, it'll look like this: completion_reward = { create_country_leader = { name = " (name of the leader)" desc = picture = (filename of the portrait you'll add in the gfx/leaders/ (countrytag) directory) expire = "1965.1.1" ideology = despotism traits = { } There are two primary ways to ensure about creating it: Similarly to all other sprites, animated portraits can be done by creating a frameAnimatedSpriteType instead of a regular spriteType. level = / The maximum level to add. See /Hearts of Iron IV/common/technology_tags/* for list. Kills the country leader of the designated ideology for the current scope. traits = { }The traits the leader spawns with. ratio = Distance between starting position and target position where the entity is to be placed. Maybe even more than some people who have the game. Modifies the resource output of the specified building for the current scope. Portraits fall into 3 categories: civilian, army, and navy. modifier = The static modifier to apply. Optional. Removes a core for the specified country on the current scope. The state where the capital of the current country is located in. Executes contained effects on every army leader that meets the limit and is recruited by the country this is contained in. Changes the appearance of one of the sides within the balance of power. Also accepts individual files within the. variant_name = The equipment variant to add. Sets the current country as the faction leader. Unnecessary in most cases, as it's possible to create the unit leader role within an effect block mid-game. add_autonomy [] [num], Increases resistance in the selected province by set amount, ex: (selects one of the provinces in Berlin) resistance 100, Increases compliance in the selected province in game by set amount, ex: (selects one of the provinces in Danzig) compliance 100, Allows you to run more complex effects from script in the console directly. Sends the specified amount of equipment to the specified target, removing said equipment from the current scope. prefer_name = Name of ship in origin navy that will preferably be transferred to target navy. Sets the specified character to also act as a field marshal. Technologies are defined in. Fires the specified news event for the current country. Optional. Changes the specified province's name to the specified name. var = If provided, the id of the entity will be stored using this variable. 0.1 would mean that the unit leader gains 10% more experience, not that it gains 10% as much. Retires the current character (removing them). Sets an AI strategy for the current scope. Moves the camera position over the specified state. Gives bonuses of reducing land doctrine cost to current scope. Affects AI. An example trait file is defined as following: Within country leader traits, these are the arguments that are used: Additionally, special modifiers type that can be used in ideas: targeted_modifier = { } and equipment_bonus = { } - can be used within traits alongside regular modifiers, in the exact same manner as within ideas. legacy_id = The legacy ID used for the unit leader. trait = The trait to remove. Removes a focus from list of completed focus, and potentially all focuses requiring it as a prerequisite. Bump? Similarly to most other folders, the game does not care about neither the filename nor the name of the characters, which is why recruitment is mandatory. These would apply modifiers on the country if the advisor is recruited, as well as adding a subtext and an icon in the bottom right of the advisor's picture. The character will take on every instance where allowed = { } is true at the game's start. Hi. Do code about civil war make a new country. The following prompts are displayed. The current scope guarantees the target country. An example of a scripted effect which will transfer every state entered as an argument to the country that runs the console command is, /Hearts of Iron IV/documentation/effects_documentation.html, /Hearts of Iron IV/documentation/, /Hearts of Iron IV/common/country_tag_aliases, /Hearts of Iron IV/common/dynamic_modifiers/*.txt, /Hearts of Iron IV/localisation/*_l_.yml, /Hearts of Iron IV/common/map_modes/*.txt, /Hearts of Iron IV/common/autonomous_states/*.txt, /Hearts of Iron IV/common/opinion_modifiers/*.txt, /Hearts of Iron IV/common/modifiers/*.txt, /Hearts of Iron IV/commmon/autonomous_states/, /Hearts of Iron IV/common/decisions/*.txt, /Hearts of Iron IV/common/decisions/catergories/*.txt, /Hearts of Iron IV/common/technology_tags/*.txt, /Hearts of Iron IV/common/technologies/*.txt, /Hearts of Iron IV/common/units/names_divisions/*.txt, /Hearts of Iron IV/common/units/names_ships, /Hearts of Iron IV/gfx/army_icons/army_icons.txt, /Hearts of Iron IV/common/units/equipment/upgrades/*.txt, /Hearts of Iron IV/common/units/equipment/*.txt, /Hearts of Iron IV/common/units/equipment/modules/*.txt, /Hearts of Iron IV/common/operation_tokens/*, /Hearts of Iron IV/common/unit_leader/*.txt, /Hearts of Iron IV/common/technology_tags/*, /Hearts of Iron IV/common/country_leader/*.txt, /Hearts of Iron IV/common/state_category/*.txt, /Hearts of Iron IV/localisation/english/*_l_english.yml, /Hearts of Iron IV/common/scripted_effects/*.txt, PDXCON Mods may introduce commands and more commonly, tags into the game to enhance their gameplay. damage = The amount of damage to inflict.province = The province to target for provincal buildings. The following arguments can be used within: ideology = socialist is the ideology type that the leader is assigned. The current scope and any subjects automatically join the faction. name = The name of the file used for the order of battle without the .txt extension. An easter egg making the AI smacktalk in chats. If the character has multiple country leader roles, specifying the ideology type is mandatory.
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