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For the same mana Night's Whisper immediately gives you two cards at the cost of two life. But you'll get an extra card and lose some life every turn if your Confidant lives, which is excellent against control and midrange strategies. how many Dark Confidant . Dark Confidant (also affectionately known as "Bob"), released in Ravnica: City of Guilds, is a rare, black creature that allows its controller, at the beginning of his or her upkeep, to effectively draw an additional card at the cost of paying life equal to the card's converted mana cost. is just simple quicker, I've also learned to play black, u simply have to kill the opponent faster than u kill yourself. Dark Confidant - MTG Cards | Cardmarket All Magic: The Gathering Cards Dark Confidant Dark Confidant 7 versions Show Versions Show Offers Product Availability No. I can beat the pants off of Jund and Bob, and.gasp it isn't a budget build. Site design / logo 2023 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under CC BY-SA. If you cast Assault, the resulting spell is a red spell with a converted mana cost of 1. Youll have chump blockers, evasive creatures at your disposal, and its good with equipment. (I think every player who starts the game doesn't understand that paying life is so worth it for drawing cards, including me.). Because life loss doesnt count as damage, it doesnt count as noncombat damage either. Since life is a resource, you should trade your own life in exchange for more power (more cards, more mana, etc.). Stronghold Arena. And that's why modern should never be budget. Its hard to beat Kroxa when you keep casting it for its escape cost in drawn-out games. The Meathook Massacre combines a sweeper and a lifedrain effect in one tool. Articles and comments are user-submitted and do not represent official endorsements of this site. Now we have 12 one-drops, 12 two-drops, and 18 lands, for a total of 42 cards. Do roots of these polynomials approach the negative of the Euler-Mascheroni constant? One that gives you a card whenever it ETBs is better. would be a decent alternative. This makes it a lot harder to justify playing a second playset of 1BB cards. 708.4b The mana cost of a split card is the combined mana costs of its two halves. You could move over to online, Bob still is reasonably priced there. Dark Confidant If Senseis Divining Top revealed that all 3 cards on top of your library have very high mana costs, to avoid losing a ton of life, youre gonna want to have Greed in play which allows you to pay 1 Black mana and 2 life to draw a card. . of Available Items 3054 No. Just paying six mana to Debt to the Deathless means that you drain two from each opponent and gain six life. Dark Confidant: Those Secret Spells Will Cost Ya! Aside from required cookies, we also apply other types of cookies, but only if you consent to them. Example: Assault/Batterys mana cost is {3}{R}{G}. Sanguine Bond is a great enchantment to turn your lifegain effects into life loss for your opponents. He explained it perfectly. The first analysis shall assume we are on the play. The ability to dig through your deck is probably why most games end by turn 5. And it's not really excuses, I'm just putting numbers down. Again, it's about the mana. You could think of it as no ban modern. To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader. Dark Confidant is a game changer in deck building. Averaging out the mana cost for all of the cards, I found that the average draw would make Bob do 1.22 damage per turn. you just drew for one life. She continues to force Nymeria down into her crotch, and though there's a beat where the other girl is clearly recovering from Podrick's size in her ass, eventually her tongue starts back up. When I first started playing magic, I pulled a Ravnica Bob from my tournament pack. I tend to play more versing Stax and control mostly, in which this card has already often proven to be really useful. The Princess of Dorne is not idle though, not now. Which is weaker, Lightning Bolt or Force of Will? If you are running a deck that can reliably get combat damage through then I feel that. @SocioMatt Blood Scrivener is the Dark Confidant. only triggers if you have no cards in hand, otherwise it would be soooo busted. Ravnica: Dark Confidant Add To Wishlist Restock Notice Gatherer & Rulings NM EX VG G 4 available $17.84 Add to Cart Sell your Dark Confidant Switch to Foil Other Versions Show All Versions Customers who purchased Ravnica: Dark Confidant also bought. Why are physically impossible and logically impossible concepts considered separate in terms of probability? Dark Confidant (Store Championship) (Textless): At the beginning of your upkeep, reveal the top card of your library and put that card into your hand. ) and that's before you even get to $40+ Voice of Resurgence The "basic curve" makes one play per turn for the first five turns, totaling five plays while the "Confidant curve" makes a total of eight plays over the same amount of turns. It is not so. Reanimate (Commander Collection: Black) | Illustration by Nils Hamm. It does what midrange decks like most: combining removal that drains life in the -X ability and card advantage plus damage in the +1 ability. It's about mana efficiency and the curve, and in a Modern Jund list, Phyrexian Arena Food Chain, Kess, Najeela, Gitrog Bob is pretty much everywhere. The kicker for Blood Tribute is very doable in vampire decks, or if your commander is a vampire. Choose the options you'd like for the order. And besides this has turned into another thread all together. Barandis It will cost you closer to 700$ with Thoughtseize On top of having the Dark Confidant effect, Sorin the Mirthless can generate vampires with lifelink and can take over a game with card advantage while also of being good against aggro. Item specifics. Artists proofs are CCG cards with blank white backs, printed by Wizards of the Coast and issued only to the artists. its like comparing a gold brick to a fighter jet. @ Krayhaft its a preference thing you can make all the arguments and excuses in the world what it boils down to is If you want it or not and what your willing to do to make it happen. Then you have to decide which 3-drop to play on turn three, making the unenviable choice of delaying your draw engine and Lili by a turn each, or delaying your draw engine by two turns. Even then, that R/B hyper-aggro deck would still want Dark Confidant a few years???? #9. These cookies help us improve our product by analyzing user data and applying personalized functions. Its also a source of card advantage and is an awesome planeswalker to play in spider or sacrifice decks. Eldritch Moon Spoilers and Set Information, March of the Machine: The Aftermath Spoilers and Set Information, Bloodthirst in MTG: Rules, History, and Best Cards, The 67 Best Recursion Creatures in Magic Ranked. Also a lot less players makes for better demand / supply issues. More statistics can be found here Yup, this. I made a decision to stop playing Standard as in the course of two seasons I'm likely to spend more putting decks together than I would with Modern anyway. It stops storm combos because the opponent dies trying to combo just being there. @Zuckfatthat's actually a really, really good example of the difference that one black mana can make. I worry that semantic wrangling is diluting the answer that OP was looking for. Finding the right deck shouldn't be about cost, trust meyou're going to spend a lot more money building three or four ''budget'' decks (which you willbecause you'll keep losing) and finally going to a deck that can actually be a contender. Feeds | You have a 2 mana advantage engine, that keeps the life totals even by swinging for 2, that you can bolt to save yourself and that changes how you can curve out. There aren't enough cards that care about any other card type as much as creatures, and the card typing is has ramifications for other engines in the decks. (My prices do include the sideboard and its playset of Thoughtseize A 2/1 can block Tymna, can attack for Tymna, unlike study, can't be paid for, and most decks just simply don't have the card draw outside of a couple of really good one card engines like remora to draw enough to keep up, so even though it might be the worse draw if you directly compare it to Rhystic study for example, it is there also just purely for redundancy. I know I just bought it from tcgplayer. Bleeder decks are my favorites. Add to Cart. Its not that good for EDH since you target only one opponent, but the effect is still good. Whatever the cost, as long as there isn't something you hate about Modern or something that you truly love about Standard, Modern is probably the best long-term deal. All versions from all sets for Dark Confidant - The online marketplace where any private and shop can buy and sell Magic the Gathering (MTG), Yu-Gi-Oh! i never said it was cheap and i agree with you on that Krayhaft but people will do what ever it takes to make things happen. to Liliana of the Veil to Liliana of the Veil This will differ depending on what options are available for the item. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. The "Confidant curve" here makes 10 plays over 6 turns. @bman5604, I never argued that modern wasn't worth it, I was just pointing out the financial hurdles of switching from standard to modern. I'm not looking for it to be super competitive yet, and Dark Depths is already killing the budget Phyrexian Arena would probably work in it until I get my hands on some confidants. It was the word "new" that threw me off. For the same mana Night's Whisper immediately gives you two cards at the cost of two life. What is the purpose of this D-shaped ring at the base of the tongue on my hiking boots? That being said, if you bought it from scratch, I'm impressed with 4-500 considering even on TCG Player you're gonna have a hard time finding the fetchlands for less than $300 (assuming 9, the playsets of Catacombs and Rainforests along with a single Marsh Flats Waaaaaaay better than Dark Confidant and you can grab it with Stoneforge Mystic. Dark Confidant JAVASCRIPT IS DISABLED. 2) Dark Confidant has the ability if needed, to throw himself in front of an attacker, or swing in for some damage if the path is clear. Your email address will not be published. Importantly for our evaluation, 31.7% of games end on or before Turn 4, and 50.81% of games end on or before Turn 5. You lose life equal to its mana value. 4) Dark Confidant costs 1 black, Arena costs 2 black, makeing Confidant easier to splash and easier to ensure you get into play right away. and Pokmon TCG trading cards. You lose life equal to its converted mana cost. Now, while Bob can come out on Turn 1, a Turn 2 Bob is probably more common so that's how I will be evaluating him for simplicity's sake. Board & Card Games Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for people who like playing board games, designing board games or modifying the rules of existing board games. He works with Tymna, he dies to Skullclamp, as a 2/1 he can block a lot of relevant creatures, etc. Also worth mentioning it plays through eidolon of rhetoric, Narset, notion thief, chains, Also nights whisper, actually I've seen this one being played quite some more than one might think, ofc it doesn't see play outside of mono black or maybe 2 color decks, but this is because it doesn't allow for these small advantages Bob gives over a whisper. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Even with the recent MMA the hurdle between standard and modern is huge. Set: Ravnica: City of Guilds. Is there a single-word adjective for "having exceptionally strong moral principles"? @AlexP Good call. Dark Confidant was reprinted in Modern Masters. Theres also the ward effect that gives you card advantage if your opponent targets it. Dark Confidant is legal in the following formats: Commander Duel-Commander Legacy Modern Vintage Dark Confidant related themes & tags Black Creature Humans Wizards Topdeck Dark Confidant Decks A list of the most recent MTG decks using Dark Confidant available on MTG decks website. Gatherer is the Magic Card Database. It's all about the downside of Bob versus the upside. Dealing damage and losing life are separate effects, with different rulings for each case. What happens when I remove Mistbind Clique with its champion trigger still on the stack? Sure, you will loose 1 life on land draws, but with Dark Confident, even if you are running cheap cc cards, your still going to be loosing more than 1 on average AND the opponent will see what you are drawing. Warlock Class sees play in Explorer as a way to add to your devotion, and as a mana sink. I play Living End A comparable creature is grob, or mindblade render (less popular). Assuming we get him out on Turn 2, and assuming no removal, Bob will draw two cards over two turns with reasonable consistency. I understand it has a huge price tag but you can get a set for about 200 on eBay. 708.4. It was fine in midrange/Jund () decks for a while. Las mejores ofertas para Dark Confidant Modern Masters 2015 casi nuevo negro mtico tarjeta rara (363742) abugames estn en eBay Compara precios y caractersticas de productos nuevos y usados Muchos artculos con envo gratis! The data for that post (which you can look at here) lists the number of times games ended on particular turns. Feed the Swarm is like a more expensive but more flexible Vendetta. Questions like this tend to be asked because the poster doesn't have quite the appreciation for just how important one mana is. It was just a little over a grand. The strategy of chess and the variance of poker, all wrapped up in a fantasy medium. Ancestral Recall: Make Anyone Draw 3 Cards, Abrupt Decay: Destroy a Permanent with Low Mana Cost, Exquisite Firecraft: 4 Damage that sometimes cant be countered. And you do not have spend that much for a budget alternative. Dark Confidant used to be a Legacy/Modern staple, but the times caught up to it. out of boosters. If it's somewhere other than on the stack or if it's fused, a split card's CMC is the sum of each half's CMC. Please enable JavaScript to get the best experience from this site. Lolth, Spider Queen has a good stabilizing effect, generating two tokens with reach and menace. Blood Scrivener only makes you lose 1 life, not life equal to the CMC. 10 COMMENTS | There were lots of cards to choose from and narrowing down to a list wasnt easy, but I tried to get the most powerful, popular, and competitive ones out there. Consider a very typical opening hand which contains both Bob and Lili. Few cards have ended more MTG games than a lethal Tendrils of Agony, which is technically a storm payoff but causes loss of life nonetheless. Lastly, as dope as that metagame project is, it does come with a disclaimer at the top of the document explaining the reliability of the data. Bob is better though cause overall, you lose about the same life. They fulfill completely different roles, and their only relation is that they're really expensive. RACING NOTES. I was surprised to see a card like [[Dark Confidant]] come back at such a hefty price for the ability that it has. Dark Confidant Buy on TCGplayer $17.75 Buy on Card Kingdom $19.99 Dark Confidant Creature Human Wizard At the beginning of your upkeep, reveal the top card of your library and put that card into your hand. Commanders like Astarion, the Decadent and Rakdos, Lord of Riots are commanders that benefit you for making your opponents lose life, even via combat damage. Thanks for all the feedback, guys! MTG- 1x NM Foil Dark Confidant - MM2 - Modern Masters 2015 - Black Creature Near Mint - never played, opened and straight into sleeve and binder Shipping: MTG Singles under $20 - These will ship via envelope unless you contact me and ask me not. Our Privacy Policy. Archon of Cruelty has been one of the premier reanimation targets in formats like Modern and Cube. Magic:. This card is such a lifedrainer in EDH. I can't agree more. . I'm starting to hate these budget threads (you can say it isn't a budget thread, but you'd only be lying to yourself). Cards from expansions and special sets (like From the Vault, Commander, Duel Decks, etc) are legal in the Legacy format on the date of release of the expansion or . The Slack, Discord, Cash App, PayPal, and Patreon logos Dark Confidant Dark Confidant Dark Confidant Dark Confidant Dark Confidant Dark Confidant. And those who aren't behind him quit being a noob! s does that deck use? Neon Dynasty Featured a Hidden Praetor; Phyrexia: All Will Be One . EDIT: Also because he doesn't technically draw you cards, he gets around hate bears like Spirit of the Labyrinth. Search for the perfect addition to your deck. You have a 2 mana advantage engine, that keeps the life totals even by swinging for 2, that you can bolt to save yourself and that changes how you can curve out. I can't picture a reason that I would want to inflict damage on myself just for an opportunity to draw an extra card (that I have to reveal). He dies when you need him to die. On my upkeep controlling a Dark Confidant I trigger revealing a card and losing life to it's cmc cost. Does a summoned creature play immediately after being summoned by a ready action? God-Pharaohs Statue is a common tutor target for Karn, the Great Creator. Castle Locthwain allows you to draw cards and lose life by paying black mana, and its a staple for black decks across many formats. If I were to use Blood Scrivener Dark Depths is banned in modern. Heavily Played. No, but it was a heck of a lot closer than had I just mashed in some other "card advantage" card in the dark confidant spot. Given that Bob is unlikely to be much better than 3 cards over 3 turns, the question I want to ask is whether he deserves to be so ubiquitous. Dark Confidant, however, is no Wrenn and Six, and players would be mistaken to think that it is similar to Wrenn and Six. His biggest MTG regret is trading a bunch of Force of Wills for Serra Angels. I must admit, I'm picking up a playset of Bobs atm, all new art for my cube and my next deck project which is gonna be jund or bug. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. as well.. but if you're on a budget, Blood Scrivener 1 Dark Confidant; 4 Tarmogoyf; 3 Seasoned Pyromancer; 3 Wrenn and Six; 1 Kroxa, Titan of Death's Hunger; . Delivered tomorrow*; Customer rating: 9.2 Dark Confidant Dark Confidant Dark Confidant Dark Confidant Dark Confidant Dark Confidant. Unless you get some other value out of them therefore (Hi Najeela) I'm even more skeptical of them than of Bob, since I think it likely that they draw you fewer cards overall. How likely is Yusri to get me an omniscience effect, if I have Krark's Thumb out? 1423 VIEWS, Sheoldred, Whispering One --BLCK-- SCRFC3. instead? Gray Merchant of Asphodel at the very least makes your opponent lose two life when it ETBs, but often lands in the six to eight range. Today Im taking a look at the best life loss effects in Magic. As I mentioned, it can be sacrificed easier than any of the other cards and more reliably based on the general cEDH meta. Rare and powerful MTG cards every player dreams of having in their decks! The players have influence over what turn the game ends and so an just over half end on turn 5, not accounting for pod composition. 1) If Dark Confidant hits a land, you take no damage. , but that alone is $240. I do not own any Bobs and am reluctant to spend the money that I'd need to for them. You lose life equal to its converted mana cost. This happens to align with the previous "apply both answers" approach previously, but now split cards return a single answer instead of having to deal with "halves" of cards. I think the biggest impediment to understanding here is making assumptions. You Do Your Best To Hide The Good Parts of Yourself 4. Torment of Hailfire is one of the funnier and more impactful cards and win conditions in black EDH decks. As proxy cards are made from actual cheaper bulk common Magic the Gathering cards, they will still have the same back as the normal cards. Learn more about Stack Overflow the company, and our products. The lack of a real legacy scene their does make certain cards cheaper. Card Name Dark Confidant. After that it's build dependent but Asylum Visitor Painful Truths and Sign in Blood are good options. Double Masters will be its fourth reprinting, and introduces not only a new artwork by Mark Zug, but also a new Showcase frame. Dark Confidant gives you cards- a very important resource- at the cost of life- one of the least important. This is a change from previous rules. Why are non-Western countries siding with China in the UN. The strategic implications of Magic are intricate and complicated. Here the basic curve again makes one play per turn, this time for six turns, whereas the "Confidant curve" goes 1/2/1+2/2+2/2+3/1+4 missing the sixth land drop just like the "basic curve". I play in a similar meta, and can confirm that he is an all star if you can get the game to go longer than turn 5 (which honestly isn't that rare anymore now that Flash is gone). Does Exchanging Life Totals Cause Loss of Life? I paid half that!" You'll come to understand these things as you play card advantage is one of the surest ways to win. I know the deck isn't modern legal, I just put this here for the Confidant since he is more of a modern card than a legacy card. in paper and on MTGO. The self-harm isn't that important, but as said above, you can just sacrifice/chumpblock if necessary. The catch is, if you draw a creature, you must discard it immediately. Note that this analysis is identical to the one which would occur for Howling Mine and several other cards. Scryfall is not produced by or endorsed by these services. While I'm definitely taking the winrates with a Carthage-sized amount of salt, I think that the turns that games end on are probably pretty reliable. People are free to interpret it how they wish. See stores for final prices and details. Start one on this topic we can hash it out there :). Is Loss of Life Considered Noncombat Damage? Considering most of the decks were minimum 400 dollars at the time. vs. Senseis Divining Top lets you pay 1 mana to look at the top 3 cards of your library and put them in any order. Is it suspicious or odd to stand by the gate of a GA airport watching the planes? Life loss cards in Magic are cards that have lose life or something similar in their text. Pedro started playing Magic way back when in Fourth Edition. Dark Confidant is a 2/1 Black Creature that lets you look at the top card of your library during your upkeep and put that card into your hand. A turn by turn analysis follows, so that it can be compared with the theoretical basic curve. Privacy Policy. With Arena you'd still lose 1. Compare Dark Confidant Trespassers Curse doesnt look like much, but you get to drain those pesky token players. Cards Dark Confidant Dark Confidant (Card) $19.99 $17.54 0.2 TIX Average Type Distribution Land ( 30) Planeswalker ( 1) Enchantment ( 7) Artifact ( 12) Sorcery ( 10) Instant ( 15) Creature ( 24) Related Content Sep 3, 2021 Too-Specific Top 10 - Unscheduled Maintenance Double or nothing! In every zone except the stack, the characteristics of a split card are those of its two halves combined. You lose life equal to its converted mana cost. Flip These cards wouldn't normally hit the battlefield until turn-2, and then may not even draw anything until the following turns' combat phase. No Bobs, no Goyfs, no LillysYou should find a deck that fits your play style, if that deck is jund then be prepared to shell out 1k. Want one more Sanguine Bond in your EDH deck? For the effects of cards like Astarion, the Decadent and Archfiend of Despair, all loss of life is measured by the variation of the life in that turn (also known as life swing). This means that from about Turn 3 or 4 Night's Whisper will generally be more valuable than a Bob cast on the same turn. Nonetheless, I do think it's the best information we have available. The fact that it hits all players is very convenient in EDH, and your opponents will lose all their permanents, their cards, and their life with enough mana. He alone is what makes some decks above average because of the attention he draws plus his card draw factor. Contrasting Dark Confidant with Night's Whisper then, as an easy comparison, I am not absolutely certain that he is better. . Fast and secure shipping in air bubble envelope!!! Please use this Cookie Management Panel to manage your preferences for . Scryfall is not produced by or endorsed by Wizards of the Coast. More statistics can be found here Cruel Ultimatum, once a reason to play control and Grixis (), is still played in casual MTG. This is where you can withdraw your consent to the various types of cookies on the website. Restructure the deck to make it work in a diffrent way. It was also totally worth the surprised looks on people's faces when they "knew" I had no outs, just for me to slam a titan down on them and take over the game. Oh, I'm well aware of its limitations. But in the meantime, blood scrivener is what Im going to run. It runs Dark Confidant and the average CMC is 1.25. Graveyard Trespasser is a well-rounded threat that combines lifedrain and graveyard hate. According to the MTG comprehensive rules: When life totals are exchanged, each player gains or loses the amount of life necessary to equal the other players previous life total. Third turn: Henceforth, we will assume that we have drawn and played a Confidant on turn two to give the most extreme variation from the basic. Narwek, Im thinking the same thing as you. Dark Confidant (Custom Card Alternate Art) ad vertisement by MagicLCreations Ad from shop MagicLCreations MagicLCreations From shop MagicLCreations. Zodiac Dragon MTG from Portal Three Kingdoms. Blocks Tymna, too. It's okay, when people first start out, it's hard to recognize the power value of some cards. Entdecke WOTC MtG Double Masters Dark Confidant (MR) NM in groer Auswahl Vergleichen Angebote und Preise Online kaufen bei eBay Kostenlose Lieferung fr viele Artikel! On top of this, the one or 2 cards you draw from Bob can be just enough to stop a win or win yourself, and if it goes past these number of turns, it becomes even more value. Obviously you can build a decent mono or bi-color deck pretty cheaply, but many decks are tri-color, and getting all the fetches for that alone is backbreaking. advantages of masking animation. Fguiont Racing Club. 708.4. Tappedout has no idea how to play Magic, confirmed. Phyrexian Arena is better than dark tutelage, unless black is just a splash. it depends on what modern and standard deck you're comparing. Free shipping for many products! Nimbus Maze: Got Blue but Need White? If you have a deck that can support two black on turn 3, you want Liliana of the Veil @gufymike, Neither do I. I know all the top decks are using Dark Confident, but why not use Phyrexian Arena
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