which of the following is true about telework

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If you are using assistive technology to view web content, please ensure your settings allow for the page content to update after initial load (this is sometimes called "forms mode"). What action is recommended when somebody calls you to inquire about your work environment or specific account information? Who can be permitted access to classified data? People who teleworked also tended to experience less work stress or exhaustion. **Insider ThreatWhich of the following should be reported as a potential security incident (in accordance with you Agencys insider threat policy)? Label all files, removable media, and subject headers with appropriate classification markings. 92, No. New interest in learning another language? **Insider ThreatA colleague vacations at the beach every year, is married and a father of four, his work quality is sometimes poor, and he is pleasant to work with. HR Management Ch. 4 Quiz Flashcards | Quizlet The following practices help prevent viruses and the downloading of malicious code except. Which of the following statements is NOT true about protecting your virtual identity? Telecommuting Benefits for Employees and Employers - Indeed Classified material must be appropriately marked. (32)2. How does verbalizing an attitude make it more likely that the attitude will guide your behavior? . Which of the following is NOT a home security best practice? Which of the following is a best practice for physical security? **Classified DataWhich classification level is given to information that could reasonably be expected to cause serious damage to national security? *UNCONTROLLED CLASSIFIED INFORMATION*Which of the following is NOT a correct way to protect CUI? Issues that should be addressed include: This website uses features which update page content based on user actions. Store it in a General Services Administration (GSA)-approved vault or container Based on the description that follows, how many potetntial insider threat indicator (s) are displayed? Health-care company Aetna, for example, has a decade-old remote work program that screens, trains and supports teleworkersa group that now makes up around half of the companys workforce. -Use the government email system so you can encrypt the information and open the email on your government issued laptop. Employers can hire geographically distributed talent and reduce overhead expenses, while employees can gain flexibility, save time, and reduce transportation and some child-care costs. -Look for a digital signature on the email. The process of getting detailed information about jobs is known as _____. CS345 Quiz 4 Flashcards | Chegg.com The Federal Government is a leader in the use of innovative workplace arrangements like telework. -Use TinyURL's preview feature to investigate where the link leads. Which of the following is NOT Government computer misuse? Which of the following definitions is true about disclosure of confidential information? Solved 1) Which of the following statements about the - Chegg 62, No. Because you're already amazing. Telework. How should you securely transport company information on a removable media? The advertisement exclusively highlights requirements such as strong communication skills, excellent teamwork, and leadership skills. Step 1: Know your Telework Managing Officer and Telework Coordinator All agencies must designate a Telework Managing Officer (TMO), who is the agency's primary contact for policy and program questions. Data about you collected from all sites, apps, and devices that you use can be aggregated to form a profile of you. Use a single, complex password for your system and application logons. For telework to function, one must receive permission or access from one's organization. You receive an email at your official Government email address from an individual at the Office of Personnel Management (OPM). - CUI is an umbrella term that encompasses many different markings to identify information that is not classified but which should be protected. **Insider ThreatWhat advantages do insider threats have over others that allows them to cause damage to their organizations more easily? But that's generally how we use "which of the following.". Upon connecting your Government- issued laptop to a public wireless connection, what should you immediately do? Understanding and using the available privacy settings. Which of the following is NOT a way that malicious code spreads? 2, 2014), employee engagement (Masuda, A.D., et al., Career Development International, Vol. Our Enterprise Technology Solutions (ETS) IT shop is not just another team in a government agency. (Correct) -It does not affect the safety of Government missions. In these cases, leadership functions need to be shifted to the team itself, so members with specific expertise can drive problem-solving in various areas.. Store classified data appropriately in a GSA-approved vault/container. Duties. Texas Parks and Wildlife Department hiring TPWD - Maintenance The potential for unauthorized viewing of work-related information displayed on your screen. How are Trojan horses, worms, and malicious scripts spread? Follow instructions given only by verified personnel. In a 2015 research review, Golden and his colleagues found that, overall, telecommuting increased job satisfaction, performance and feelings of commitment to an organization among employees. *Sensitive Compartmented InformationWhich must be approved and signed by a cognizant Original Classification Authority (OCA)? Which of the following is NOT an example of CUI? Which is NOT a requirement for telework? - Answers DOD CYBER AWARENESS Flashcards | Quizlet You receive an email from a company you have an account with. Local Integrating Organization (LIO) Program Coordinator (EMS 1) They may wittingly or unwittingly use their authorized access to perform actions that result in the loss or degradation of resources or capabilities. Of course, some jobs are better suited to remote work than others. -Using NIPRNet tokens on systems of higher classification level. How can you protect your information when using wireless technology? The email has an attachment whose name contains the word "secret". Telework Best Practice Guide | Mass.gov Specifically, we focus on leaders who manage team members based in remote sites and/or telework one or more days each week. Which of the following is true about telework? According to Herzbergs two-factor theory, which of the following factors would motivate individuals the most? These questions are answered in which phase of the project management? The Cambridge Handbook of Technology and Employee Behavior, Cambridge University Press 2019, Digital Nomads: The Final Frontier of Work Arrangements? Be aware of classification markings and all handling caveats. Which of the following is NOT a criterion used to grant an individual access to classified data? A coworker has asked if you want to download a programmers game to play at work. b. Which of the following is true about telework? if you are a military personnel and you knowingly leaked, information may be cui in accordance with executive order 13526, intentional unauthorized disclosure of classified information, is it permitted to share an unclassified draft document, is press release data sensitive information, is whistleblowing the same as reporting an unauthorized disclosure, near field communication cyber awareness, near field communication cyber awareness 2022, opsec is a dissemination control category, opsec is a dissemination control category within the cui program, penalties for unauthorized disclosure of classified information, relates to reporting of gross mismanagement and/or abuse of authority, requirements to access classified information, the act of publicly documenting and sharing information is called, the whistleblower protection enhancement act relates to reporting, unauthorized disclosure of classified information, unauthorized disclosure of classified information for dod and industry, unauthorized disclosure of information classified as confidential, what can malicious code do cyber awareness challenge, what dod instruction implements the dod program, what is a possible effect of malicious code, what is a possible effect of malicious code cyber awareness, what is a protection against internet hoaxes, what is a protection against internet hoaxes cyber awareness, what is possible effect of malicious code, what is protection against internet hoaxes, what is purpose of the isoo cui registry, what is required for an individual to access classified data, what is sensitive compartmented information cyber awareness 2022, what is the possible effect of malicious code, what is the purpose of isoo cui registry, what is the purpose of the isoo registry, what level of damage can the unauthorized disclosure of information, what security risk does a public wi-fi connection pose, what should the owner of this printed sci do differently, what should you do if you suspect spillage has occurred, what threat do insiders with authorized, what threat do insiders with authorized access to information, what threat do insiders with authorized access to information pose, when can you check personal email on your gfe, when using social networking services the penalties for ignoring requirements, which of the following individuals can access classified data 2022, which of the following is an example of nfc, which of the following is good practice to prevent spillage, which of the following is true about protecting classified data, which of the following is true of protecting classified data, which of the following may help prevent spillage, which of the following may help to prevent spillage, which of the following represents a good physical security practice, which of these is true of unclassified data, whistleblowing should be used to report which of the following, who is responsible for applying cui markings and dissemination instructions. *CLASSIFIED DATA*What is a good practice to protect classified information? What can be used to track Maria's web browsing habits? -Setting weekly time for virus scan when you are not on the computer and it is powered off. Which of the following is a practice that helps to prevent the download of viruses and other malicious code when checking your email? Get a Consultant. When checking in at the airline counter for a business trip, you are asked if you would like to check your laptop bag. What should be done to protect against insider threats? **Identity ManagementWhich of the following is the nest description of two-factor authentication? *INSIDER THREAT*Based on the description below how many potential insider threat indicators are present? *INSIDER THREAT*Which of the following is NOT considered a potential insider threat indicator? *SPILLAGE*Which of the following may be helpful to prevent spillage? Which of the following is NOT Protected Health Information (PHI)? Connect to the Government Virtual Private Network (VPN).?? Which of the following job analysis methods requires subject-matter experts to evaluate a job in terms of abilities required to perform the job? For instance, a meta-analysis by Gajendran and a co-author found that telecommuters relationships with colleagues generally only suffered if they worked remotely three or more days each week (Journal of Applied Psychology, Vol. internet internet-quiz cyber cyber-awareness true-statement telework organisation Please log in or register to answer this question. In which situation below are you permitted to use your PKI token? What should be your response? Which of the following is true to telework? - Weegy 252 Program Management Mod 8.docx - Course Hero c. Interpret the results in (a) and (b). Which of the following is NOT a typical means for spreading malicious code? **Classified DataWhat is a good practice to protect classified information? Connect with others, with spontaneous photos and videos, and random live-streaming. Other researchers have found that formalizing a virtual teams goals, roles and communication methods at the outset improves effectiveness (Gibson, C.B., et al., Journal of International Business Studies, Vol. *MALICIOUS CODE*Which of the following is NOT a way malicious code spreads? What should be your response? But if everybody is getting it, people may value it less, Gajendran says. *IDENTITY MANAGEMENT*What certificates does the Common Access Card (CAC) or Personal Identity Verification (PIV) card contain? What level of damage to national security could reasonably be expected if unauthorized disclosure of Top Secret information occurred? What should you do? How many potential insider threat indicators is Bob displaying? What should be done to sensitive data on laptops and other mobile computing devices? Connect to the Government Virtual Private Network (VPN). *SpillageWhat is a proper response if spillage occurs? Between 2005 and 2015, the number of U.S. employees who telecommuted increased by 115%. *HOME COMPUTER SECURITY*Which of the following is a best practice for securing your home computer? For more information, review the Security & IT Guidance. She comes across an advertisement in a newspaper seeking applications for the post of an HR manager. Annual DoD Cyber Awareness Challenge Exam - Subjecto.com The Act requires employees to successfully complete telework training before they can telework. What should you do? A program that segregates various type of classified information into distinct compartments for added protection and dissemination for distribution control. $8,109-$11k/mo Digital Accessibility Manager at State of Washington Appropriate clearance, a signed and approved non-disclosure agreement, and need-to-know. More than 26 million Americansabout 16% of the total workforcenow work remotely at least part of the time, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS). Required. Teams with a strong group identityfor instance, those that have unified against a competing team or organizationtend to have more perceived proximity, Wilson says. Box 5000 Lawrence, KS 66046-0500 Classified material must be appropriately marked, everything Friends Only except your Name and Profile Picture - turn off "Check in location via GPS", Cyber Awareness Challenge 2022 Knowledge Check, Annual DoD Cyber Awareness Challenge Training, DOD Cyber Awareness Challenge 2019 (DOD-IAA-V, Cyber Awareness Challenge 2023 (Incomplete), Cyber Awareness Challenge 2021 - Knowledge Ch, Elliot Aronson, Robin M. Akert, Samuel R. Sommers, Timothy D. Wilson, Information Technology Project Management: Providing Measurable Organizational Value, Operations Management: Sustainability and Supply Chain Management, Service Management: Operations, Strategy, and Information Technology, Unit 2 Industrialization/Immigration - Review. When would be a good time to post your vacation location and dates on your social networking website? -Unclassified information cleared for public release. We are a customer driven technology division that provides innovative solutions that connects people and simplifies work. Which of the following is an example of a strong password? Steve Riddle - Director, Coach & Mentor: Leadership. People - LinkedIn Answer The answer will depend largely on the requirements of your individual agency, the agency telework policy, and your manager. telework since the formative period of telework in the 1970's, 1980's and early 1990's [31]. Employees must take responsibility for the security of the data and other information they handle while teleworking. *PHYSICAL SECURITY*Within a secure area, you see an individual who you do not know and is not wearing a visible badge. It displays a label showing maximum classification, date of creation, point of contact, and Change Management 9CM) Control Number. Study the diagram of the hemispheres on page 20 . What is telework? Depending on the sensitivity of the information being handled, the home office may need to include security measures such as locked file cabinets, similar to what may be used at the official worksite. What would you do if you receive a game application request on your government computer that includes permission to access your friends, profile information, cookies, and sites visited? question. When vacation is over, after you have returned home. It always refers to a multiple-choice question. As researchers and managers practicing in the field, what we need to understand more fully is not if, but how, teleworking is best conducted to maximize work outputs.. Which of the following is NOT a typical result from running malicious code? The website requires a credit card for registration. What should you do? T/F. inputs used in the development of the work unit's product. A colleague has visited several foreign countries recently, has adequate work quality, speaks openly of unhappiness with U.S. foreign policy, and recently had his car repossessed. Approved Security Classification Guide (SCG). You can find your Telework Coordinator by searching OPM's Telework Contact Tool. The future of remote work - American Psychological Association The CAC/PIV is a controlled item and contains certificates for: Classified Information can only be accessed by individuals with, -Assigned a classification level by a supervisor. Drawbacks included social and professional isolation, fewer opportunities for information sharing and a blurring of boundaries between work and personal life (Allen, T.D., et al., Psychological Science in the Public Interest, Vol. Graph the solution set of the inequality, where xxx is a real number, on the number line. While planning, employees shouldconsider the following questions: Although managers are ultimately responsible for the healthy functioning of the workgroup, teleworkers must help manage the group's expectations and their own communication in order to avoid any negative impact on the morale or productivity of non-teleworkers. When using a fax machine to send sensitive information, the sender should do which of the following? A coworker uses a personal electronic device in a secure area where their use is prohibited. Note that the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 (ARP), enacted March 11, 2021, amended and extended the tax credits (and the availability of advance payments of the tax credits) for paid sick and family leave for wages paid with respect to the period beginning April 1, 2021, and ending on September 30, 2021. As long as the document is cleared for public release, you may release it outside of DoD. Which of the following best describes the sources that contribute to your online identity? How many indicators does this employee display? For more information, please consult your agency telework policy and/or Telework Coordinator. Mak, S., & Kozlowski, S.W.J., In Landers, R.N. Decline to lend the man your phone. Something you possess, like a CAC, and something you know, like a PIN or password.

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which of the following is true about telework