tennis vs badminton calories

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Badminton also has a shorter playing time than tennis. The first player to win 6 games wins a set, but they must win be a margin of at least two games e.g. Can Badminton Players Play Tennis? | Badminton Shoes Now Both tennis and badminton are played on rectangular, hard-surfaced courts, and both sports involve hitting an object over a net. A casual 60-minute session of racquetball burns roughly 435 calories while for the same person, an hour of competitive racquetball would . Also, badminton rackets are harder to string than tennis rackets. This can affect how the ball bounces and players move around on the court. Other than that, both shoes offer lateral support, lightweight, breathable materials, and overall cushioning. Badminton might not be synonymous with an up-tempo exercise, but its calorie burn is consistent with several other forms of exercise. The speed of both tennis ball and shuttlecock have differences as well. Tennis balls usually cost more because they are more durable and last longer. A badminton racket is about . Copyright 2023 Racketopia |Affiliate Disclosure: As an Amazon Affiliate, we may earn commisions from qualifying purchases from, Singles Tennis as a vigorous-intensity and doubles Tennis as moderate intensity, it would take the average person weighing 150 lbs playing an 71 minutes of doubles Tennis, Harvard did a study measuring calorie burn across many different activities. It makes sense that a tennis player burns calories at a faster rate than a badminton player. The player who wins the difference of 2 sets will win the match. (4 Factors To Consider). In addition to the fitness and physical health benefits, tennis also provides numerous social and mental health benefits as well. Calories burned - Badminton vs Tennis. This is a very common question with an answer that might surprise you. . An athlete that needs to cover more ground, hold a . In this article, I will walk you through the equipment, court, rule, and popularity, differences. Manage Settings Likewise . What's the Scoring System in Badminton and Tennis? You win a point in badminton if the shuttlecock lands on the floor on the opponents side of the court, assuming your shot cleared the net. One of the differences is the size of the court. However, there are limits to who can compete in tennis and badminton if the player wants to play competitively. Which Workout Burns More Calories? - Shape June 2, 2022 by by According to Captain Calculator, tennis has a MET (Metabolic Equivalent Task) of 8 when playing singles, whereas, also according to Captian Calculator, badminton has a MET of 7 when playing at a competitive level. Playing a sport is a fun activity and helps you burn a few calories before you know. Interestingly enough, the same Harvard study referenced above concluded that someone weighing 155 lbs would burn 504 calories per hour playing tennis compared 282 calories per hour playing badminton. Hey, I'm Omar, the founder of Racket Rampage. Check out also: Hiking Boots vs. Tennis Shoes. Bhavya Garg. HealthStatus notes that badminton burns calories slightly faster than walking at 3 mph and playing doubles tennis, but burns calories slower than singles tennis, half-court basketball, jogging at 5 mph and . Badminton does require a fair amount of forearm strength, so playing could potentially help you improve your grip. The tennis court's net measures 36 in above the ground, while the badminton's . To compare, tennis has a Metabolic Equivalent of Task (MET) of 7.3 in general, which equals 613 calories burned. The player that caused the ball to double bounce would win a point. Soccer |Calories Burned Per Hour- 504. Points can also be scored by any player, regardless of which side is serving. Which is best tennis or badminton? | Dependable The real differences come in the size and the height of the net. It has been calculated that an hour-long game of singles tennis burns around 600 calories for men and 420 calories for women. This tells us that someone weighing 155 lbs will burn about 290 calories per hour playing badminton. Badminton birdies typically have a shorter lifespan than tennis balls. Are you surprised by that? Taking the same study from the University of Sydney, the average match duration went from 65 minutes (1 hour and 5 minutes) for females in Wimbledon, to 154 minutes (2 hours and 34 minutes) for males in the Australia Open. Thats because the shuttlecock, the ball in badminton, is so much lighter and will come at a much faster speed. Racket. 250-290 kcal per hour. Badmintons scoring system is more traditional and straightforward. Court Difference: Badminton Vs Tennis. In tennis, although players can hit with a lot of pace, at least you have time to let the ball bounce before hitting your shot. Work / Day Activity Level. Until now we have compared everything related to the game itself. Badminton Vs. Table Tennis Games. Some of our partners may process your data as a part of their legitimate business interest without asking for consent. Light - Have a job that involves long periods of sitting (office-based / driving) or are home-based and sitting for much of the day. The primary reason for the escalation in popularity could be ascribed to its popularity at the school level. Required fields are marked *. Both sports involve hitting a ball over a net, but the two have several key differences. The serving rules are also different in the two sports; in tennis, players alternate serves after every moment, while in badminton, players serve until they lose a point. Similarities between tennis and badminton. People always worry about time and speed, but they do also worry about weight. Well, shuttlecocks for a competition can weigh between 4.75 to 5.50 g (0.168 to 0.194 oz), whereas tennis balls can weigh between 56.059.4 g (1.982.10 ounces), which means that tennis balls are between 10 and 12 times heavier than badminton shuttles. Whichever sport you choose, youre sure to have a great time, Your email address will not be published. A tennis court is 78 feet long by 27 feet wide, while a badminton court is only 44 feet long by 20 feet wide. Easy to play and doesn't require so much strength. In 2020, Fitbit reported that according to their user data, an hour of singles tennis generates around, on average, 10,680 steps, while an hour of doubles tennis . The action for hitting a shot in badminton uses a lot more of the wrist. Its a faster sport so you have less time to react to your opponents shot. In tennis, you really use much more of the whole arm when you swing. Here's why: the Wimbledon final lasted 198 minutes while the badminton final lasted 76 minutes. Tennis vs badminton. Toughest sport.? - YouTube I must spend some time learning more or working out more. They both are somewhat synonymous with higher classes. A set is won when one side wins six games, but they must also win by at least two games. Decreases Osteoporosis Risk. In tennis, players must win by two points, meaning there can be long rallies and back-and-forth play. How much shorter though? However, a shuttlecock has been recorded to be struck at the speed of 306mph, which is just incredible. When talking about strings, there are 4 main materials of strings: Generally, all these string materials can be found in tennis and badminton strings. Moving on to badminton courts, there are 4 main types of courts: Syntethic, Wooden, Rubber, and Cement. Calories Burned in an Hour of Badminton | livestrong A game is won when a player has won 2 games out of a possible 3. But do all of these factors ring true when it comes to the intensity of the game? In general, running burns more calories than cycling because it uses more . The sport of badminton involves hitting a lightweight, feathered object that is known as a birdie, or a shuttlecock. If you are long-legged that might tip the scales when it comes to badminton vs tennis. 5. So, these tennis shoes are designed to have more protection and cushioning. Any links on this page that lead to products on Amazon are affiliate links. This is what the formula for calculating the calories burned while playing badminton will look like for a 175-pound individual at a MET value of 5.5. Court size. Curious? The first player to reach four points wins the game. But the typical tennis match (90 minutes in BO3, a little over 2 hours for Bo5) is about 2 or 3x the average squash match (35 to 40 minutes) in terms of time, so comparing the hourly burn doesn't . Calories Burned During Exercise, Activities, Sports and Work An athlete that needs to cover more ground, hold a heavier racket, and put more power into a bigger ball with a bigger racket (tennis) burns calories at a faster rate than an athlete who has to do all of those things at a smaller scale (Badminton). Tennis ball and badminton shuttlecock is the most noticeable difference between the sports, and its no wonder. However, for the mens game, at grandslam events, its best of five. If we do the math and translate that to calories per hour, a person weighing 150 lbs would burn just over 422 calories per hour playing doubles tennis. Tennis shoes are mainly used for playing on hard courts while Badminton shoes can be used on any type of court. Well, badminton is a very important sport in both India and China and, those two being the two most populated countries in the world, they help badminton be present in this ranking. On the other hand, according to the same source, the fastest ever shot in badminton was 426 km/h (264.7 mph). Tennis is a calorie-crushing, high intensity cardio workout. Then let me know in the comments below! Tennis and badminton are racket sports that can be played individually or in teams. Where a tennis court is 78' in length and 36' in width, a badminton court is only 44' long and 20' wide. Badminton is typically played on a smaller court then tennis, with a much higher net. Tennis adopts a 15, 30, and 40 point system to achieve 1 point. The end of the birdie has a covered cork tip, which is what actually makes contact with the strings of a badminton racquet. Tennis can be a great workout and lots of fun. According to a study done by the University of Malaysia, the average rally of their tested matches was 4.62 seconds for male players and 4.16 seconds for female players. The scoring system is a bit unusual in tennis. Calories Burned Playing Badminton | Calculator & Formula In badminton, the net is considerably higher than in tennis (1.55m). Difference Between Tennis and Badminton 6-4, 6-3, 6-2, 6-1 or 6-0. Activities and exercises include walking (casual, race, and everything in between), swimming, jogging, yoga, and many more. To make things easier to understand, we will take a closer look at the details of both sports and how they compare. Tennis courts measure 78 feet in length and 36 feet in width, on the other hand badminton courts measure 44 feet in length and 20 feet in width. Continue with Recommended Cookies. It all dates back to history. So we can conclude that the range for calorie burn per each racket sport is as follows: Sport. This explains why tennis racquets need to be so much sturdier than badminton racquets. According to the study from the University of Granada, the average effective playing time was a bit more than 9 minutes for badminton.if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[320,50],'thebadmintonguide_com-leader-1','ezslot_8',183,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-thebadmintonguide_com-leader-1-0'); As for tennis, the average effective playing time went from 13 minutes for females in Wimbledon, to 26 minutes for males in the Australia Open. Badminton is usually played to 21 points, while tennis is played to either 15 or 30 points. Whereas the tennis court is 78 feet long and 36 feet wide (23.78 x 10.97 meters), the badminton court is 44 feet long by 17 feet wide (13.4 x 5.18 meters). A tennis ball may be the better choice if you are looking for a more durable ball that will last longer. 78 feet in length and 36 feet in width. Its usually played outside but there are indoor courts which is useful if you want to play during the winter, or when its raining or too windy. While they may sound similar on the surface, these two sports are quite different. If you are curious as to how much you would burn in a certain period of time, you can follow the two links below. An example of data being processed may be a unique identifier stored in a cookie. However, tennis isnt more popular when looking from a worldwide standpoint. With a competitive game, they will burn 500-675 calories per hour. site needs far more attention. Lets talk statistics. When talking about length, tennis rackets are a bit shorter in general, and the length is often between 19 (48cm) to 25 (63.5cm). This means they bounce higher and travel faster, making the game more fast-paced and exciting. Your email address will not be published. This is because they are not as durable and do not last as long. Each game starts at love, which basically means zero. Rackets are one of the most important items in a tennis match and in a badminton match, as they are the tool that the players use in order to hit the ball or the shuttle. 2,003. But what separates these two sports? This size difference means more room to move around in a tennis court, making it easier to hit the ball. Here are some tennis and badminton statistics: According to a 2008 study, Team USA states that approximately 1,362,000 people play badminton regularly in the USA. Tennis Shoes Vs Badminton Shoes (Oct, 2022/23) - TennisReviews #4. Again, if both players have 20 points, then the winner of the set is determined by a 2 point difference. In badminton, there isnt as big a need for that, so the shoes are often more lightweight. Its designed to have an open, conical shape, which is typically formed by bird feathers or synthetic materials, like plastic. Tennis balls and rackets are both, way heavier than a feather shuttle and a badminton racket. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. To win a game you have to win a least four points. If you are curious about the shuttlecock, in our badminton measurement post we also explain all the requirements that a shuttle needs to fulfill in order to become suitable to be used in a badminton match.if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'thebadmintonguide_com-mobile-leaderboard-1','ezslot_16',626,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-thebadmintonguide_com-mobile-leaderboard-1-0'); As for the weight? Tennis vs Badminton: What's the Difference? - Differencely A badminton racket is a lot lighter than a tennis racket, usually only weighing between 70-95 grams. Another minor difference is that tennis shoes often have better cushioning for absorbing the shocks from running around like a mad man. Winning by one point from this tied position is referred to as advantage. If that same player scored another point, they would win, otherwise the game would continue until one player won two points in a row. . Choosing the proper court for the game you want to play is essential. Both sports can be extremely competitive and physically demanding, or they can be played for fun in a more leisurely way. Tennis vs Badminton: Racket Sports Showdown TennisReboot A badminton birdie may be the best choice if you are looking for a ball that is easy to hit with a racquet and keep in the air. However, good badminton players are . There are fairly substantial differences between the types of equipment and courts used for both sports. Badminton's rackets are normally less than a hundred grams. This means that a badminton game can last longer than a tennis game. This e-learning platform is co-created by Thomas Laybourn, Danish player, former World number 1, World Champion, and professional coach. Badminton vs. Tennis - Phdessay This makes sense, as you have to cover more ground and do more work in Singles tennis. Both are used in racquet sports and can be made of other materials. There are two kinds of tennis balls, pressurized and pressureless. While the equipment needed to play tennis is fairly basic and and not that expensive, players may run into financial constraints as they improve their game and want better equipment. There are few transferable skills between badminton and tennis. The most interesting thing about the racket is the neck. Table Tennis vs. Tennis - OOAK Table Tennis Forum They are both racket sports that can be played in singles and doubles. While tennis is usually played as singles or doubles, badminton can be played with singles, images, or even four teams. Even 20 minutes of either sport will get you to break a sweat and your heart rate up. Our final section compares the calories burned in both sports. This site also participates in other affiliate programs and is compensated for referring traffic and business to these companies. (4 Factors To Consider), difference between tennis and badminton is the courts, Tennis and badminton are difficult high-speed sports, Both sports are played as singles and doubles, Good mental skills are required in both tennis and badminton, Tennis and badminton require skilled footwork. The average competitive squash player will burn around twice the amount of calories in an hour of play compared to the same level of tennis. However, in terms of agility and reflexes, badminton is certainly more challenging. Badminton and table tennis, also known as pingpong, are considered fun games by many people but are also very competitive racquet Olympic sports. Learn more: Can You Play Badminton With A Tennis Racket? Since a tennis court is much larger than a badminton court, tennis players tend to rely more on speed, positioning, and agility to win matches. There is a considerable difference between the two of the sports when it comes to footwork, hitting technique and swinging patterns with the racquets. Generally, tennis is harder in more ways than badminton, such as hand-eye coordination, strength, endurance, and flexibility. Both mowing the lawn and cleaning gutters burn more calories, and are more fun, than golf. Badminton. Hello, I enjoy reading through your post. The shoes required for each of the games on the professional matches such as the Olympics also vary. Tennis is considerably more popular though in the USA with around 18,000,000 players. #4 - Flexibility and Coordination. This is especially true for those of us looking to burn calories and lose weight. Badminton and tennis: What's the difference? - Badminton Warehouse Now, lets look at some vital rule differences between tennis and badminton. In tennis, a point can be awarded for the following reasons: The ball fails to land within the boundaries of the opponents side of the court on the first bounce. One might wonder if you get a better workout and burn calories at a higher pace in tennis or badminton. Tennis and badminton are both racket sports that are played outdoors. A shuttlecock is a cone-shaped object made of feathers and weighted at the bottom. Though both tennis and badminton are racket sports played on a court with specific boundaries, much of the equipment used is specialized for each specific sport. So while Chess or cricket won't help you lose much, Swimming and Football have . This is because they are made of softer materials and are more likely to be damaged when they hit the ground. So for endurance and stamina, tennis is probably slightly more challenging. Tennis has more complicated scoring, while badminton has more popularity as a casual sport. A similar proportion holds for the 5th richest player, Rafael Nadal is 9 times richer than Taufik Hidayat. Both differ in intensity, with singles tennis being more intense, and doubles being less so. . Calories burned in 30 minutes of leisure and routine activities However, badminton is only really played indoors, because the shuttlecock is so light it can be dramatically affected by even the smallest of breezes! Then there is the fact that a badminton birdie must not touch the ground, where a tennis ball is allowed to bounce before it is hit. Badminton too is played with a racket. Can a tennis player play badminton? | Dependable In badminton rackets, the string tension is higher than tennis because the shuttlecock is lighter, and the trampoline effect doesnt need to be as high. Tennis requires more running and abrupt stops and starts. You will not regret it! Aids Weight Loss. Badminton is typically played with smaller groups than tennis. Regarding tennis and badminton shoes, they have many similarities, yet one difference is critical, and it could ruin your shoes, especially if you play tennis in badminton shoes. Heres a closer look at the similarities and differences between badminton birdies and tennis balls. Calories burned (per minute) = 6 calories x 60. What is the difference in court measurements between badminton and tennis? Even though the statistics vary in tennis due to the different surfaces and conditions it is played on, the trend is the same in all of them. Answer (1 of 6): It's easy.whenever you go in parks,stadium or any such place in mornings then u see a hell lot of elderly people taking a walk so therefore it is quite a healthy activity..BUT..yea there's a but.. How many times you see people sweating after a walk? Another key gameplay difference is the type of rackets used. There are a. This is why tennis has gotten more coverage and spread wider in western countries. Finally, tennis and badminton also differ in terms of equipment. The net height in tennis is 3 ft at the center and 3.5 ft at the posts whereas for badminton the height of the net is 5' at the center and 5'1" at the posts. The net is also lower in badminton, at just 5 feet tall, compared to the tennis net, which is 3.5 feet tall at the centre and 3 feet tall at the edges. If you weigh 200 pounds (about 91 kg), you will burn around 540 calories in the same period. However, badminton is the worlds fastest sport, and given that a tennis court is nearly twice as long as a badminton court, the reflexes and speed required are greater. Tennis. Badminton is also played by two to four players who use rackets to hit a shuttlecock over a net. Tennis is estimated to have 87 million players globally, whereas badminton is 220 million. Click in the banner below to sign for this excellent course. A person weighs 180 pounds (81.65kg) and plays doubles tennis (a task that has a MET value of 6.0) for 1 hour (60 minutes). Your email address will not be published. For more information on tennis scoring, check out this post. In a lot of posts online, badminton is said to be a much tougher sport than tennis when comparing both sports. This changes the way players need to maneuver around the court. The size of a badminton court is 44 ft x 17 ft for singles and 44 x 20 ft for doubles. In terms of scoring, badminton games are typically played to 21 points, while tennis games are usually played to four points (or sometimes six). Perhaps most importantly, tennis is played with a much larger and heavier ball, while badminton is played with a smaller and lighter shuttlecock. You need to touch the ball on the ground to play tennis. In terms of popularity, tennis and badminton are two of the most popular racket sports in the world. Doubles in tennis, though playing with a larger court, will burn less calories as players will not need to cover as much ground or perform shots in every volley over the net. Take a look at the top speeds of both: As you can see, both sports require extreme levels of agility and reflexes. . Tennis balls are much larger than badminton balls and have a felt covering instead of being made of feathers or synthetic material. The badminton racket design is different from tennis rackets, and their weight is also different. tennis vs badminton calories - Tennis courts have a baseline, a service line, and a net in the middle, while badminton courts only have a net in the middle. This means that the average point in badminton, even though is slower (tennis points last between 1.1 and 1.7 times longer), has more strokes. There are, therefore, very distinct differences when it comes to the courts used in either game. Footwork and movement. In tennis, players score points by hitting the ball over the net and into the other players court. Badminton burns calories slightly faster than walking at 3 mph and playing doubles tennis, but burns calories slower than singles tennis, half-court basketball, jogging at 5 mph and bicycling between 12 and 14 mph. View All. In badminton, players serve underarm. A tennis ball is made out of rubber that is covered with wool or synthetic felt. Aside from the dimensions of the courts, the nets are also quite different. tennis vs badminton calories - And more. When I personally give it a thought, I agree that badminton isnt harder than tennis. Now that you know more about badminton, birdies and tennis balls, you can decide which is right for you. Here are some of the advantages and disadvantages of playing tennis. Badminton Vs. Tennis: Similarities and Differences Improves Balance. According to ESPN, badminton would be the second most popular sport in the world, only after soccer. Can Tennis Players Play Badminton? - MyTennisOutfitter Cycling vs. Running: Which Is Better for Weight Loss and More - Healthline A comparison of heart rate responses in racquet games.The present study investigated the heart rate response to playing tennis with special reference to the . Which sport burns the most fat? Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. All professional matches are played on indoor courts. It is generally played on a hard court, although you can also play on clay, grass and carpet courts. Badminton matches have 3 sets, and the first one to win 2 sets is declared the winner. Match 9, ICC Men's T20 World Cup Sub Regional Americas Qualifier, 2023 If the other player wins, its 6-6 and you have tiebreak. The scoring progresses from love to 15, 30, then 40, with the winner needing to score at least two points more than their opponent. Per the Cleveland Clinic, it would take the average person weighing 150 lbs playing an 71 minutes of doubles Tennis to burn 500 calories. Calories Burned from playing doubles tennis (per minute) = (6.0 x 81.65 x 3.5) 200 = 8.57. For example, while playing badminton at a moderate intensity for one hour, a 200-pound person will burn approximately 544 calories. The feathers shall be fastened firmly with thread or other suitable material. A point is awarded as a result of faulting (a player touches the net with their body or racquet, or a player serves a double fault, meaning they make a mistake on both serving opportunities). The main difference between tennis and badminton is that tennis is more endurance-focused, whereas badminton requires faster movement and reflexes. For example, its important to know the difference between a tennis shoe and a badminton shoe. Tennis rackets are larger and heavier than badminton rackets, and the balls are also different. However, the action for hitting shots is very different from tennis. The women's events in badminton are less sexy due to the . Both badminton birdies and tennis balls are designed to be hit with a racquet. Tennis uses a hard felt ball while badminton requires a shuttlecock. We and our partners use data for Personalised ads and content, ad and content measurement, audience insights and product development. The usual material used for badminton rackets is graphite or aluminum for the best rackets, and you can find some steel rackets meant for beginners. This one will be a rather surprising one if you are not familiar with it.if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'thebadmintonguide_com-netboard-2','ezslot_21',194,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-thebadmintonguide_com-netboard-2-0'); According to Pledge Sports, both sports are within the top 10 most popular sports in the world by participation. Badminton rackets are 26.18-26.77 (66.5-68cm) long and have a head width of between 8.66-9.06 (22-23cm). Gujarat Giants vs Mumbai Indians, WPL: When And Where To Watch Live

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tennis vs badminton calories